About Rescue Dogs


Sadly, many wonderful dogs are abandonned, dumped into shelters or given away because they are no longer "suitable" for their families or have become an "inconvenience" for whatever reason. These dogs are in need of a permanent home, one who will not unjustly mistreat or abandon them again. They are usually adults, sometimes puppies or seniors.
A few misconceptions could be stopping you from exploring the option of adopting a rescue dog. Many people are afraid to adopt an older dog because they think they may have been given up due to some terrible problem. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reasons for people giving up their dogs are varied, from relocation to divorce to severe illness, just to name a few. Some people also think that adult rescues will not bond closely to them. It is in fact, completely the opposite.
A rescue dog can be a wonderful addition to the family. Many adopters say that rescue boxers seem grateful for their new homes and families and bond strongly to them. Boxers usually adapt quite well to new environments. In addition, adult boxers are usually past the "chewing" and "housebreaking" stages. These are just a few of the reasons why adopting a rescue dog may be a wonderful option for you, aside from the fact that you will be "rescuing" them and giving them a better life!
However, if you are considering adopting a rescue boxer, please be well aware that you are agreeing to become responsible for him for life, through all the goods and bads. A dog is a life, not a disposable object. Many owner-surrendered dogs have been given up because of behavior problems the family did not want to deal with and work on (problems which are largely due to learned behavior reinforced by their owners). Please make sure you're going to be ready to do the necessary work with your boxer. In our opinion, the only behavior problems that can result in a dog being "unadoptable" are human agression issues. This behavior issue is obviously serious and sometimes is not modifiable to an acceptable level for a regular household.
When you inquire for an appropriate boxer match at BRQ, you will find out if the dog is good with other dogs, cats, and children. If you have a dog already, you must determine whether or not the 2 dogs will get along, and if you are ready for the extra work that comes along with having a multi-dog household. Remember, everything you are doing now will double.
When you adopt a boxer from BRQ, your boxer will have been spayed or neutered, fully vet checked and will have had all the necessary shots. A standard adoption fee will be required to cover the medical expenses.
About the contract
Our contract clearly stipulates that new owners of a BRQ boxer may not abandon, give up, sell or euthanize a boxer adopted from our rescue. The dog MUST be returned to us, in the event that a new owner has decided not to keep his dog. We will ALWAYS take back a rescue, but please remember that your dog has formed an attachment to you and think about whether you want to become another owner who has let his dog down. Most people don't think about what it must be like to find yourself pulled away from those you love and everything that is comfortable and familiar to you.  The dogs don't understand what is happening or why, and they don't know what's going to happen next. How would you feel if this happened to you? What would be your reaction and what would you then long for? Knowing this, can you honestly make a well thought out decision to a adopt a rescue and later decide to turn your back on it? Please, please, think about this before you take the step of adopting. Your boxer's happiness and well-being depend on it!